A country of religious Mugu’s – article by Charly Boy



Perused his article beneath…

Call me names, think what you may of brand CharlyBoy, Na for your pocket. I no send you. I will dependably say what I need to say, how I need to say it paying little respect to the numerous fake individuals I annoy. Gbam! There is so much fraud/fakeness going ahead in this goddamn nation it’s fantastic. I was so tickled by a few people groups remarks, when I penned down my own sentiment on Pastor Adebayo’s yarns in the matter of what constitutes a decent spouse/husband.

Aside the mass unemployment, lack of awareness and destitution proliferate, Naija I accept is the Genesis of this Pentecostal impact crosswise over Africa. I realize that numerous would do anything to flee from the unbearable destitution my kin are seeing regardless of the fact that they need to talk in tongues and most Pastors are joyfully exploiting the circumstance. Der is God o!!

A great deal of us been indoctrinated on the most proficient method to love God as some places of worship now think of various contrivances. It is not shocking to see individuals go to chapel customs including mad falls, as though got a handle on by epileptic seizures, shaping assault by the spirits. Yes, a large portion of these dramatizations are paid for, similar to the nollywood on-screen character who asserted that the villain left his body through his foot. Presently, a few guardians are appealing to God for their wiped out youngsters at home as opposed to looking for restorative consideration; of binding kids to empower the minister cast out evil spirits. Numerous ladies are discovered engaging in sexual relations with ministers in bowing corners, and discovered investing more energy providing food for their ministers. What about spouses who have lost their wives absolutely to Randy and horny debased ministers. Yes, shouldn’t something be said about the ones who can’t hold down a marriage, when me wey dem talk say I dey rage, wear gather 39 yrs for one lady hand. Kai. The rundown goes on.

I am not recommending that all Men of God are tinted, yet out of a hundred you may not discover 4 that live what they lecture, the rest are exploiting our religious lack of awareness. Would it shock you on the off chance that I let you know that I have perused the book of scriptures page to page more than 20times. So I know more than I make out. I realize that genuine godly men don’t misrepresent the book of scriptures, it’s exclusive evil presences who misrepresent or twist the book of scriptures similarly. I realize that God can’t rebuff us on the off chance that we don’t pay thyte to our congregation since It is the decency of our souls that interests God more than physical and monetary air. I realize that genuine righteous men can not guarantee us satisfaction and thriving the majority of that is a spiritualist’s lie, there is nothing in the book of scriptures about any “medium” that God uses to convey such gift. When I was growing up, godly men were famous for their straightforward ways of life. They persevered through the hardships the locals endured in an offer to give in them the learning of Jesus Christ and the expression of God. The legacy of these unassuming men has following been surpassed by conmen to get rich from gifts and wayo strategies as they hypnotize and cheat clueless religious Mugu’s

Fake Christians ought to go and read Matthew 21: 22 which says “And whatever things you ask in petition, trusting, you will get” . This, in the same way as other comparative verses in the New Testament, plainly clarifies that a man must have no idle uncertainty in his heart yet should have total trust in the force and cooperative attitude of God. Meaning accordingly that it is not the Pastor’s supplication that sets one free from profound subjugations, yet above all else one’s confidence in Jesus Christ. No place is it expressed in the Bible that, supplications and marvels must be done in return for cash, biko, in light of the fact that salvation is for nothing and for everybody. Our mumu never do?

Tragically that while some houses of worship priest to the profound, instructive and financial requirements of individuals, others utilize the same gospel deceitfully/shrewdly to secure riches out of the desperation of poor people. Much all the more irritating are the individuals who have the answers under their exceptionally noses, yet who driven by these controls still withstand aimlessly to such fake precepts. By the day’s end, I realize that how a man reveres his God is dependent upon him. Admirers are not compelled to be devotees in any of these houses of worship; they tail some of these futile “godly men” voluntarily, in this manner making the minister’s riches obtaining genuinely legitimate. Be that as it may, Christians ought to dependably have this in the back of their psyches. False christians and false prophets will show up and perform awesome signs and wonders to hoodwink. It is safe to say that you are a learner? Look that your minister well o. Godly man my Ass. End time tins.

For all the more fascinating stories, benevolently visit http://www.charlyboy.me

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First photos of Seyi Tinubu & Layal Holm at their wedding today


Seyi Tinubu, one of the children of APC chieftain Bola Tinubu and his life partner Layal J. Holm are hitched. They had their court wedding today and are likewise hosting an engagement get-together at the Oba of Lagos’ royal residence this evening. Legislative leader of Lagos state Akinwunmi Ambode, Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III, previous VP Atiku Abubakar, Ooni of Ife Oba Ogunwusi and his better half Wuraola, were all there. More photographs after the cut…

Photo Credit: Kunle Oduah & Joyce Jacob

Ekweremadu to Deliver U.S. Constitution Day Lecture


The Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, will convey the 2016 version of the United States of America (USA) Constitution Day Lecture entitled the “Impact of the U.S Constitution on African Democracies”.

This was declared by the U.S Law Library of Congress, the coordinators of the yearly occasion, at the weekend.

By this, Ekweremadu, who is both the Deputy President of Nigerian Senate and Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Review of the 1999 Constitution for a record third term, will be the principal non-U.S subject to convey the august address honoring the approval of the world’s most established composed constitution on September 17, 1787.

The announcement peruses to some degree: “In celebration of Constitution Day, the Law Library of Congress will have an examination about the impact of the U.S. Constitution on African vote based systems. The occasion will include His Excellency, Sen. Ike Ekweremadu, the Deputy President of the Senate of Nigeria, and prompt past Speaker of the Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States.

“He will investigate how components of the U.S. Constitution have affected the ascent of majority rule government in Africa and how these rising popular governments have developed rights roused by the U.S. Constitution.

“The exchange will occur at twelve on Wednesday, Sept. 7, in room LJ-119 of the Library’s Thomas Jefferson Building, 10 First Street S.E., Washington, D.C. The occasion is free and open to general society; tickets are not required.

“Sen. Ekweremadu is a positioning Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, having been successively chosen into its Senate in 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2015. He is likewise known for his direction in regulating the initial (three sets) and just amendment(s) to the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.

“He has held a few elective and representative positions before going to the Senate.

“Sen. Ekweremadu has distributed and talked broadly on constitution-production in rising majority rule governments. He is the writer of the book ‘Who Will Love My Country: Ideas for Building the Nigeria of Our Dreams’ (2016) and lead writer of the book ‘Established Review in an Emerging Democracy: The Nigerian Experience’ (2014).

“He holds both single guy’s and graduate degrees in law from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He likewise holds a Ph.D. in law from the University of Abuja, notwithstanding authority authentications from Harvard University and Oxford University”.

The coordinators likewise noticed that the “Constitution Day was set up by (U.S) Congress in 2004 to perceive the approval of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787”.

The announcement included:

“The Library of Congress is the world’s biggest library, offering access to the inventive record of the United States—and broad materials from around the globe—both on location and on the web. It is the primary exploration arm of the U.S. Congress and the home of the U.S. Copyright Office.

“The Law Library of Congress was established in 1832 with the mission to make its assets accessible to individuals from Congress, the Supreme Court, different branches of the U.S. government and the worldwide lawful group, and to manage and save an all inclusive accumulation of law for future eras.

“With more than 2.9 million volumes, the Law Library contains the world’s biggest gathering of law books and different assets from all nations”.

See Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s £16k/month mansion in Manchester & his $1.5m luxury cars (photos)


As indicated by the Sun UK, new Manchester United marking Zlatan Ibrahimovic has leased an extraordinary £16,500-a-month chateau in Cheshire, Manchester and has delivered in an armada of autos worth $1.5m from Paris as he subsides into life at his new club.

The chateau has vast front room ranges, 6 rooms, open air swimming pool, extensive greenery enclosure, in vogue white kitchen with best in class facilities,a crazy two-tallness eating table and also an exercise center for the 34-year-old to stay in shape in. More photographs after the cut.


Poll: Half of Clinton supporters have no Trump-backing friends


In case you’re voting in favor of Hillary Clinton, chances are your companions are, as well.

Half (47%) of Hillary Clinton supporters and 31% of Donald Trump voters said they had no companions supporting the other party’s hopeful, as indicated by an overview by Pew Research out Wednesday.

Furthermore, just shy of one in five (18%) of Clinton supporters say they have in any event a few companions supporting Donald Trump. A fourth of Trump voters have at any rate some Clinton-backing companions.

Individuals had a tendency to associate with the individuals who supported their favored applicant. Forty-four percent of those studied who bolstered Trump said they had “a ton of dear companions” backing the Republican candidate; 38% said they had “a few companions” who upheld Trump.

In a comparable pattern, 41% of Clinton supporters said they had “a great deal” of dear companions and 40% said they had “a few” dear companions backing the Democratic chosen one.

An insignificant 7% of those studied said they didn’t need individuals to know who they were supporting in the decision, while 58% said they couldn’t have cared less whether individuals knew yet would not like to tout it. A third said they were “entirely candid with others” about their considerations on the race.

The overview was led between June 7 and July 5 of 4,602 grown-ups; 3,834 were enrolled voters. The room for give and take for the full specimen was 2.3 focuses; for enlisted voters, the blunder edge was 2.5 focuses.

National Institutes of Health launches first clinical trial of Zika vaccine


As health officials work to contain the nation’s first Zika episode, focused in a Miami neighborhood, researchers at the National Institutes of Health reported the dispatch Wednesday of a clinical trial of an exploratory Zika antibody.

It’s the second such study to start this mid year: Inovio Pharmaceuticals gave the main measurement of its Zika antibody July 26.

There are no viable immunizations or medicines for Zika, leaving researchers scrambling to secure individuals, especially pregnant ladies whose unborn infants are at danger of crushing birth deformities.

With 15 individuals tainted by neighborhood mosquitoes in Miami, and more than 1,600 individuals in the mainland U.S. tainted through travel, researchers drove themselves to start the trial as fast as could be allowed, dispatching it a month in front of calendar, said Anthony Fauci, chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“A sheltered and successful immunization to avoid Zika infection contamination and the staggering birth deformities it causes is a general wellbeing basic,” Fauci said. “Results in creature testing have been exceptionally promising. We are satisfied that we are presently ready to continue with this underlying study in individuals.”

“Despite the fact that it will require some investment before an immunization against Zika is economically accessible, the dispatch of this study is a vital stride forward,” he included.

The NIH study started Tuesday, when the main volunteer was immunized. The antibody will be tried in 80 solid volunteers, ages 18 to 35, at three areas: the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Md.; Emory University in Atlanta; and the University of Maryland in Baltimore, Fauci said. The immunization is like a test West Nile Virus antibody officially created by the NIH, yet not yet affirmed. Each of the 80 of the volunteers will get diverse dosages of the dynamic immunization; none will get fake treatments.

On the off chance that fruitful, the NIH antibody would in a perfect world be given to ladies and high schoolers of childbearing age and their sexual accomplices, Fauci said. Specialists are worried about Zika in light of the fact that it can bring about calamitous birth imperfections in embryos, including microcephaly, in which children are conceived with anomalous little skulls and, by and large, fragmented mental health.

Inoculating ladies of childbearing age would ensure their hatchlings when they later get to be pregnant and immunizing men would secure their sexual accomplices, Fauci said. In spite of the fact that Zika is overwhelmingly spread by mosquitoes, both men and ladies can transmit the infection sexually.

Both the NIH and Inovio antibodies are called DNA immunizations and work in a moderately new manner.

DNA antibodies are being tried against various infections, however haven’t yet been endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration, said Srilatha Edupuganti, a partner educator at Emory, who is driving that college’s a piece of the NIH immunization study. Dissimilar to conventional antibodies – which are made with murdered or debilitated infections, or proteins from an infection or microbes that are intended to empower the insusceptible framework – DNA immunizations contain simply hereditary material identified with key proteins.

Researchers make DNA immunizations by hereditarily building a little, roundabout bit of hereditary material — called a plasmid — that conveys guidelines for making two Zika infection proteins, Edupuganti said. After the antibody is controlled, a man’s cells utilize the guidelines to make Zika infection proteins, which amass themselves into infection like particles. The body then mounts an invulnerable reaction to these particles, shielding individuals from future diseases, Edupuganti said.

DNA antibodies have preference over customary immunizations since they can be produced and scaled up rapidly, which helped NIH dispatch its trial in front of calendar, Edupuganti said. When DNA antibodies are demonstrated to work, “you can turn on a dime to make them,” Fauci said.

In the event that the underlying NIH study demonstrates the antibody is protected, a bigger study in a Zika-influenced nation or region could start in January, Fauci said.

Despite the fact that the main study “is a go,” Fauci said he is worried in regards to coming up short on cash to dispatch a bigger study one year from now. President Obama requested that Congress affirm $1.9 billion in crisis cash for Zika in February, yet legislators have not possessed the capacity to concur on a financing bundle. Without more cash soon, Fauci said the bigger trial could be deferred.

Building up an immunization and getting it affirmed by the Food and Drug Administration ordinarily takes numerous years. Analysts have been hurrying to make one for Zika because of the earnestness of the plague, which is rebuked for a surge in birth deformities in Brazil and different nations.

Building up an immunization for a progressing plague is likewise testing. Zika blasted in Latin America a year ago, hitting a populace with no regular insusceptibility to the infection. Pestilences of new infections regularly blaze themselves out following a time of months, be that as it may, as more individuals get to be tainted and create deep rooted insusceptibility. When an immunization is prepared to be tried, there may not be sufficient cases to demonstrate whether it’s viable.

Regardless of the fact that the Zika immunization isn’t prepared so as to avert numerous contaminations in Brazil, the nation hardest hit by the infection, it could forestall cases somewhere else on the planet, said William Schaffner, an educator at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

Despite the fact that Zika initially showed up in Africa, the infection has lately wandered into two strains: an African strain and an Asian strain, which is the one that spread quickly in Brazil. In the event that the Asian Zika strain spreads broadly to Africa, the populace could be hit hard, Schaffner said.

Zika is as of now bringing on episodes in Cape Verde, off the African coast. It’s likewise spreading in the Americas, as well as in the South Pacific.

Miss Florida lost her crown; now she wants $15M


A beauty queen who had her scarf and crown stripped from her last month is looking for $15 million in harms, People reports.

Beginning Davila was named Miss Florida USA 2017 on July 16. Her rule endured all of six days.

Event official chief Grant Gravitt tells the Miami Herald he stripped Davila of her title in the wake of getting “30 to 40 grumblings” from different challengers.

At issue is Davila conceivably utilizing her own proficient hair and cosmetics group rather than the one gave by the event. Gravitt cases to have photographic verification of Davila breaking the standards.

By losing her crown, Davila additionally loses the opportunity to contend in the Miss USA 2017 event and in any event $100,000 in “supports and appearances.” Now she’s suing Gravitt and alternate coordinators of Miss Florida 2017 for maligning, looking for harms of $15 million.

Her legal counselor says Gravitt’s photographic proof originates from a week prior to the show and that he “acted vindictively and deliberately to slander and hurt my customer.”

Davila, who is from Puerto Rico, additionally asserts Gravitt blamed her for not being a U.S. national, the Sun-Sentinel reports. “I am honest,” People cites Davila as saying. “I have confronted numerous difficulties throughout my life, yet in no way like this.”

(Six runners-up sued a stunner exhibition in Texas over the champ.)